Tuesday, 31 December 2013

And so it ends

2013 was a funny year, full of challenges, change and a year when nothing really went right for very long. I entered the year as one person and I will exit as someone completely different, a complicated journey.
It was a year that saw me publish 3 very different e books, followed by paperback versions, that in itself such a huge achievement but 2014 will mark the end of one story and the beginning of so many more.

It was a year when I learned a few things, even at my tender age of 45. See you are never too old to learn a life lesson. I learned the true physical meaning of the word isolation. It’s a good state of affairs for a writer, because if you don’t isolate yourself you get bugger all done!! But, I learnt the meaning of the word in so many ways.
People walked into my life last year, and people walked out. It became a year of change caused by many things but those changes isolated me. For a while I was angry, didn’t understand, now I do and it remains to be seen in 2014 if the isolation is complete. I came to realise at times I am my own worst enemy and I push too hard, so for once, I stepped back, now I will let things come to me. If nothing happens, nothing happens.

Isolation forced me to learn to put myself first and that skill alienates others that are used to being first. I reach out and the hand is slapped away, another lesson learned
So what do I want from 2014...fame, riches etc

Nope, all I want is a decent cup of coffee, a smile from my granddaughter, a bowl of tiramisu, to love my family, to continue conversations through whatever resource with my great friend in the coldness that is Canada, to laugh and for the ideas to keep popping into my head.
Life is a series of small happiness’s and these are all I need.

So 2014 do your worst !! Bring it on !!!
Happy new year whenever it comes to your piece of this world. xx

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Trying Something Different

Been a while since I posted but with issues with my shoulders time to write or edit has been at a premium anyway...

Im trying something different yesterday and today to get my work out there. I have 4, yes 4 self published works and since xmas is just by us I thought I'd try something dofferent and catch all the folks who just got kindles for xmas.

I stuck all four of my novels on either free promotions, made them half price or used kindles new coutdown price feature for a few days. Four promotions are running simultaniously in the UK, three in the USA, with one to kick off the next day.

So far the coutdown deals and half price dont work, folks just want free which I find puzzling when Amazon themselves are offering half price reads in the 12 days of kindle. V strange but hey ho, we'll see what happens at the end of the three days.

I was never convinced of the strategy to run a coutdown deal unless it was for a longer term . I may run one agan when the next book is published as an introduction to the world we'll see

Fingers crossed for now xx

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Well there's a certificate I didnt think I was going to get this year. Having been ill for a fair amount of November and unable to sit to write, so reallly it was 19 days of work rather than 30, not that i'm making excuses...

So it was ment to be a funny book and I'm not sure what happened but it turned into someone finding themselves ...so the idea now is to take a few days to rest, then finish it, put it aside and edit the last one and repeat the process.

A lot people I know seem to think this is easy, after all you can type a single word 50,000 times, and its true you can but then thats cheating and the idea here is to have the start of a whole book to then edit to perfection

We all spend weeks, months, sometimes years trying to perfect a story that we believe in, to give it over to the public to read and hopefully love as much as I do....maybe this is the next story ...time will tell but at least its been a successful month and a good achievement

This time last year I was writing about Blackpool and thats gone on to be published !!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Seems Scotland and Canada have both been having issues.  Whilst my lil friend across the pond is trying to rid herself of a cold.....I'm trying to rid myself of the tiredness.  Yep been over a month when I feel like I could sleep at any time of the day.  I picture my head hitting the keyboard at work and what would happen if someone walked in to see me drooling on the keys....LOL

Okay, so taking vitamins now....went to the naturopath store and picked up special lady vitamins for women hitting the meno time.  Between the hot flashes and the snappy comments...I guess I'm trying to overcome the issues. 

Menopause...who the heck came up with that name.  It's a pause in the monthly cycle that makes you an absolute weirdo.  Standing in the grocery store at the cashier and you feel like stripping naked since your body just soared three hundred degrees.

Or at night when you're just about asleep, exhausted after your 12 hour day and you feel the heat start from within.  You lie there thinking....just sleep it'll go away, but it doesn't.  Sometimes I swear I'm about to spontaneously combust.  (do I buy an extinguisher, I wonder?)  Then the times when you finally drift off and in the middle of the night it comes again....(screw the extinguisher....I need me a fireman I think)

So life has been a little odd this past month....on top of that I came home to deal with many problems after my trip.  Out with the old roomie...clean and organize....and look for new one.  It'll be interesting to get to know Ashley...yep, she moves in Sunday.  Friendly, kinda funny and light hearted...oh to be 25 again with the energy they have.  Luckily she's agreed to help with snow removal....so very grateful for her youth.

It's late in Canada and time for sleep.....I'm off to set every fan I have on the full setting and crawl into bed to try to sleep.  It's -20 here....sheesh ya wouldn't know it.

If you've smiled or smirked (because you're one of the meno women) leave a comment!  Wish me luck in getting sleep....LOL

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Plans they are a changing...

The last two weeks have pretty much been a write off and I think I've lost about seven writing days. Ieve made up a couple but boy theres plenty more to make up

The challange us usually to write 50,000 words in a month but the challange at the minute is to write as much as possible to catch up whilst managing my health at the same time. The sommon cold has re infected me twice in quick succession and we are on something like day 18 of feeling unwell. Hopefully whats left is the residual couch, leading to a slightly adjitated asthma condition, which I thought I had a handle on but apparently not....

Unusually this bout was bad, very bad and ment many days in bed, many early nights  and just too much time lost

Now I hope even though we are heading fast and headlong into winter that its the last of the cold bug for a while fingers crossed and it will help me get back into the swing of writing because I'd just got to a major plot twist and I am desperate to put it down on paper.... dont expect me to surface for a few days LOL  

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Nano Challange - Week one and a bit

Well after a week and a wee bit - 9 days I should be around the 15,00 mark and Im a few thousand shy due to a bad cold that basically rendered me completely useless for a few days. For me not to write a thing is pretty bad but thats what went on. Why is it I catch a cold just after things are getting a bit better LOL Always the same !!

Now im in catch up mode. I have just under 1500 words to catch up to be running equal to where I should be so here goes, because I am enjoying this story even though its taken a few twists that I didnt envision and its not going along the same lines as I first expected ... but then thats the art of fiction it can go anywhere !!

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Nano Challenge - end of day 2

So this is the end of day two of the 30 day challange. 1667 words a day and at the end of the 30 days, I will have a 50,000 novel. Note the I will not I might have. I did this last year and out of it came the Blackpool book and it was a fantastic achievement so here I go again with this years book...

This year has been about getting old stories re written and out for the public to enjoy. Ive got 3 books out this year so far with 1 more, fingers crossed, before year end. Only 1 (Blackpool) was a completely new write so the prospect of writing something new was a little daunting... so glad Nano came along when it did.

it will help me get back into teh swing of writing about new characters, new ideas and fulfilling the ideas I have had floating around my mind for years.

At the start of this I wasnt sure which project to do, a romance novel set in Cyprus or a comedy (kind of) set in an average IKEA superstore. After seeking advice and listening to it, IKEA won and thats the one I am writing.

So we are two days in and so far so good, I am about 50 words over the two day target and its progressing . Im happy with what ive done which is important because I cant edit this till ive got through this challange. Im trying to keep an eye on what I write, keep the editing to a minimum afterwards cos its not my favourite bit

I would have done more today but the old fingers are stiff and the joints playing up, limiting how much I can sit and write. Hopefully tomorrow will be better !!

Onwards - only 46640 words to go LOL

Monday, 14 October 2013

Darn it!

After a successful trip to the US eastern states, pursuing my dream....I must come back down to earth and live normal life (pouty lip).  Being home 5 days has been a mix of emotions.   From experiencing New York and Washington D.C., to preparing to go back to work, doing laundry, and looking ahead to setting the alarm for 5 am is just humdrum.  I suppose we all experience that feeling after a trip...but wanting to fight it, I purchased lotto tickets and crossed my fingers that I'd not have to step back into normal life.  Again pouty lip because I didn't win a thing.

It didn't help I came back to an AWOL roommate and the chore of changing the locks and preparing to remove them...Why is it when you help someone, eventually they forget that?  For over a year and a half I've given him a place to call home at a far below normal rate.  This past three months he's disappeared/disregarded common courtesy.  So onward I guess. 

I'm hoping the next weeks bring good news from my meetings...cross your fingers for me!     

Saturday, 12 October 2013

So far so good

Well, today is day one in the free giveaway for "Left Behind" and has to be said in the half day that its been free its done not bad

Stats so far are

USA - 60
UK - 17
Germany - 1
Spain - 1

And the rest still zero but so far so good - I'm pleased with that. I will keep updating as we go but Im happy.

I hope some of it translates into a few reviews, which is the main thing. This is such a different book for me, thats all I can ask !

Monday, 7 October 2013

Free Giveaway

This weekend I have decided to give "Left Behind" away for free for 2 days. The reasons are simple. Its such a different book I'd love it go get a bit more exposure and possibly some reviews on Amazon. there will be a follow up later in the year - "The Hell Within" that continues their journey.

I hope a few people manage to pick up a copy and enjoy it. Thats all I can ask !

Ive done this with the other three books and it works well so fingers crossed we manage to give a few away.

This book is nothing like the other three, its much more character driven, emotional and a read that has made people think and reasses their own circumstances.

Cant wait LOL

Thursday, 26 September 2013


my pal, the pooch more than ever tonight.

See when I cant think straight, concentrate, when life smacks me around the head for no good reason and I dont see it coming I always had an escape and that was a walk with the pooch. Come rain or shine, snow or howling gales, we could throw our jackets on and go for a walk.

The fresh air, rain, wind, snow would help clear my mind and let things mull around until they were clear, decisive and I knew what I needed to do. Now that doesnt happen anymore and it would look rather strange a woman out walking late at night, so no walking for me.

Consequently my mind is like a box of scrambled eggs screaming at me to hide, switch it off and yet I can't. I damn well wish I could.

For none pooch lovers this will seem stupid but there really is a huge hole left without her. No that doesnt mean I am gonna get another, neither are the kids, any time soon. It just means I miss my companion.

Havent felt like this in a few weeks and I guess tonight having been hurt by a few things, then upset by a problem with a relative and not being able to concentrate on editing it walloped me.

I need a new escape ! and fast

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Old values

What is wrong in this world today where a person walking down the street, minding their own business is shoved out of the way by a person walking behind them. Why? because the front person walked slower.

Then the provocotour showers the first person with so much abuse that person is near enough reduced to tears. Now if it had been a crowded street, maybe they had an excuse but a wide, and I do mean wide pedestrian precinct, almost empty bar a few people is no excuse.

And to do it from behind, blindsiding the person is unforgiveable but thats the age we live in.

An age where no one stands on a bus if its full and a young woman or older is standing for the whole journey. Where old dears think they have more priority to get on a bus than a young mum carrying bags and a child.
Is that really how rude society has become ??
We teach our kids to be poilte, say their pleases and thank yous, to be respectful of their elders, helpful to their elders, helpful to their neighbours. We tell them to do their best, try hard and great things will happen for them.
We teach them to never break promises, make their words match their actions and they will go far. Their friends will find them trustworthy, my word is my bond and so on...
But why these days is it that this kind of person is in the minority??
Its all too easy for people to just go F*** You and do what they want, put themselves first irrespective of the damage it causes, the promises they break, or the damage being shoved out of the way does to a person. Being physically man handled is as bad as being let down, or someone being rude towards you.
Maybe I just expect high standards too much. If I do it, then I expect others to do it also and I'm dissapointed when they dont. Now before people jump on the band wagon, its not all youngsters. Ive witness the same kind of rude behaviour by middle aged folks, and pensioners. Its not an age thing its a society. Pretty much proof that this big society stuff doesnt work in wider circles.
Okay rant over LOL and the person who was shoved out of the way, well she shrugged it off but is there any physical damage... well its too early to tell Im still too sore and stiff to tell !! 

Saturday, 21 September 2013

New Book and New Beginnigs

Yesterday I published my fourth novel "Left Behind." Its been a long time coming - a story thats been in development and been through multipe changes since 2005.

I recently stored the latest copy onto memory stick and discovered all the previous versions, fifteen of them LOL.The general idea for the story hasnt changed, most plot details havent but there is a big difference between tthe first and last version.

Its interesting to look back and see how far as writer  you have come. Even just a quick read of the first chapter shows the different styles, word choice and the overall writing.

Yesterday was the perfect day to publish it, its 2nd part will be out towards the end of december, again on the perfect day for that story. Yesterday was also my birthday and I really dont like birthdays. I love everyone elses but not mine. However yesterday was actually really nice and I felt spoiled, special and well it was a great day - So thanks to my kids and Jo xx

Saturday, 14 September 2013


Why is it that when you are desperate for a long lie (a lie in) you wake up at the crack of dawn, wide eyed and busy tailed? Yet waking at practically the same time for the previous 5 days has you yawning by 8am and wishing the day away...

One of lifes mysteries !!

So here I am wide awake, early o'clock and wondering what to do first. I have an action packed day ahead - shopping, football, editing (dread the word) and maybe even a bit of socialising...maybe, maybe not lol

And its tough deciding what to do first .... but I think coffee and breakfast then I will take it as it comes. Fingers crossed by the end of today it will just be formatting left and a final check ....

Everyone cross ur fingers !!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

So much to learn part 2

This evening Ive been working on a final edit of "Left Behind" and I am nearly there. Just my edits, a few beta reader suggestions and glue words left to look at. Another few days and woo hoo

I've run through all the usual things I look for passive verbs, grammar, sentances I dont like etc. Now I get to learn about abstract words, overused words, vague words, redundant words, style reports, hidden verbs, glue sentances, repetative words, sentance length...

Each one of these has been looked at, modified, updated, changed, re written and its all helped me to shed a few thousand words and I'm not done yet. I can only hope that the end product sits well in its chosen place.

Its been a very steep learning curve but one I'm glad ive taken a strangle hold on. It will stand me in good stead for the second of the two books as I press forward.

Look out for release info ! - Kindle will be Sept 20th

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Indulge Me

Well what a few days. The sudden and utterly devastating loss of our much loved family labrador has utterly broken my family into pieces and now each of us is facing the aftermath...

Honey was 8 yrs old nearly 9. Originally my daughters puppy, when she went to university Honey decided to attach herself to my son adn so they became inseperable. They slept in the same bed, she followed him around literally 6 inches from his legs, he spoiled her rotten with love, food, treats and his time. She gave him unconditional love, knew his shift pattern better than me, even moving herself into prime position to see him coming in through the door on a night after his work and always knew within about 5 mins that he was due in.

I swear at times those two shared a telepathic link.

Now as a lab, she was loving, never moody, never barked - I can still count the number of times she barked on 2 hands, but she had love for all our family, every single one. She knew when someone wasnt well, when they needed a hug, when they needed to feel they had a purpose, ie walking her.

Most folks would say all labs are like that but this one was def different. 1 of a kind, un replaceable and that is the way it will stay

There is such silence now, not that she made much noise, but I miss the snoring, the clatter of nails on the floor, the balls whizzing past my feet. I miss the face appearing at the door when I opened it to come in, asking me to take her out before I made a drink or sat down. Siting, begging at the fridge for a slice of ham or a bit of bacon fat. Turning her head trying to talk and tell me she also wanted food.
stealing the raddox bubbles out of the bath as I'm lying in them (only raddox mind) lying in my space on the bed because she got their first

and so many other things, including letting me know she loved me, as much as I loved her

It will be a while before I get used to the silence and the gap in our lives and no I dont expect many to understand and people can say what they want. if someone was i your life for 8 nr 9 years day in/day out then gone in the blink of an eye, u'd grieve for them too

Doggy heaven has got itself a damn fine new inmate !

Sunday, 25 August 2013

The word Pet is just wrong in my thinking....

Got a sad email this morning email from across the pond, my heart goes out to Clair and family for the loss of their loving Golden Lab, Honey.
Why do we use the term pet?  It doesn't really describe just how close the relationship is.

They are family to most people and better than family to some.  Raised with pets my whole life from ducks, rabbits, dogs and cats...when I got older I stopped choosing to bring one into my home.  I say it is unfair since I work long hours and have little time, but the truth is...it's too difficult to lose them.

They are like children in a way, yet better.  Children grow and develop a voice that talks back, moves on and eventually leaves to start their own lives.  Animals lovingly, loyally and faithfully stay by your side their entire lifetime, from birth to adult.  They look to you as their leader and care giver....the one who loves, feeds and gives them joy.  I don't think they even realize their worth and how much they bring to people.

They'd give their life to protect, there are many stories of how animals save people and do so without hesitation.  They're used with law enforcement, border patrols to keep us safe and as working animals for those with disabilities.  They are frequently brought into hospitals, care homes, to bring joy to people.  Nothing lightens a room than an animal wanting to simply love.  They don't have prejudice, they choose to show equality to all.  They teach children responsibility, teach adults to dedicate time to simply walking, reminding each day that someone loves them.

I think we have the wrong word in 'pet'.  How many times was an animal at your side when sick, sad or struggling?  How they're always happy to see us regardless of the day we had.  They knew how to make us smile, laugh and let us know that we were loved no matter what.  They learn tricks, try to always please and show determination in all they do.

It's time to change the name 'pet'.....I think they are the 'star' of any household.  The one member that ensures to let every person know that they matter in this world.

Again....so sorry for the loss of your family 'star'.



Sunday, 18 August 2013

So much to learn

A chance post yesterday gave me a lonk to a program that will be invaluable. A program that can look for redundant words, phrases, cliches, glue words, problem sentances, grammar problems, and much more. Ive spent the last 24 hrs going through 1 recently edited document and I will do the same process to one that Ive just finished rewriting. Its been the one best thing ive spent time on.

As a self published author anything that can help me with editing is priceless. I rely on a great friend of mine to read through and give her opinions whch I listen to and appreciate without reservation. I am part of an online crit group that I can add my work to if it falls into the Womans Fiction bracket, which some do, then there are the folks that beta read for me. It all helps in its own little way, but something like this program can help me at the early stages of editing.

A writers work goes through so many drafts and if this can help me cut the number of drafts then I am all for that. In the end it will help me produce beter works, quicker. With a never ending folder of ideas and more brewing in my mind, it can teach me to avoid the pitfalls as I write and thats good because I am always learning.

For anyone wanting to check it out and get some help with their work heres the link


Obviously as with any editing, if you dont agree and feel strongly enough about it, you do your own thing but any help is a good thing especially since most of us spend so much time on the work we miss things.

It can only help in the long run, especially if you cant afford a professional editor.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Two Magic Words

On thursday night I got to type two little magic words. The mean very little in the grand scheme of things but everything for what I was doing.

Those two words were "The End" and they were typed at the end of a gruling re write of book 5, known as "The Hell Within." once its had a first edit I will make some of it available to read on my books in development page. This is the second book in a two book series and brings the story of Steven and Sandy full circle.

For me its more than 2 words, its the end of a journey, nearly the end of a project thats been almost eight years in the making.

Both these books have seen many starts and finishes, many versions, many ideas but now they are nearly ship shape and both should be out before the end of the year. It will be the accomplishment of not just myself but the many people I have met and have helped in the process. I just hope they stack up lol

It made me think about what we, as writers, go through with each of our books. They are little babies, to be nurtured, to grow, to turn into their own little wonders. Then we send them out into the world and we hope that others love them as much as we love them.

If just one other person likes them, loves them, can relate to them - then dear friends my job is done.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

A day in the life?

It's Tuesday evening across the pond....I sit here contemplating my day.  Work was extremely hectic.  I'm proud to say I stood up for the right thing, however, I got caught in the crossfires.  I'm not one to cower or shy away from speaking my mind, which is both a good and bad.  When I see someone unjustly accused, blamed or pointed at, when in fact the problems lie elsewhere....well I kinda tell it like it is. (gets me in trouble...but I can't deal with stupid!!!  LOL)

After my hectic day, I arrive home, eat, then take the half hour walk that has become part of my new regime....(a new roommate is helping me to be my best).  Daily she ensures I'm eating what I should....keeping away what I should not, and spurring on the cardio.  God love her for taking such good care of me.

As we walked down the pavement, sure enough I felt the familiar ache that seems to always come ten minutes into it.  What the heck is that pain in my lower back? I ask myself.  (Okay, so one of the misfortunes of being a writer is you tend to sit for long periods)  I have muscles between my back and my butt?   And now they're screaming.

Finally at 10 p.m., I am dragging my body to the shower where I can let the heat beat on my back.  The funny thing is though....I am never in pain the next morning?  Surely I should feel like someone beat me, but nada.

I ponder this thought....if I could work out while sleeping, I'd never be cramped, crimped or feel any type of discomfort.  Why can't they make a machine that does that?  Picture this now, you lie on a bed and strap every appendage to a table that independently moves in all directions....you can see it, can't ya?  You could be snoring away while running a marathon!  I could wake completely comfortable, well rested and a size 3......

Woo hoo!  I bet there is a scientist somewhere drawing one up right now......

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

I hate being sick !

I genuinely dont keep great anyway but I hate it when a common cold turns violent.

What started as a sore throat quickly turned nasty. Within 24 hrs I had a fully blown cold and tonsalitis. We thought that was the end of it...a few days taking extra paracetemol, sucking ice cubes, ice lollies and ice cream and trying to dry up the runny nose. I tried to stop it heading down to my chest and it looked like I had but then yesterday things turned extra nasty.

I couldnt catch my breath and every one I did take was painful and laboured. Count walk up a small hill without stopping for a while and trying to slow my heart and breathing. Everything took twice as long and it was too much. Off to seek help I went and boy was it a shock.

My O2 sats were only 84 considering it should be 100 to 95 I was in a bit of bother. When they checked me out they discovered the tonsalitis was bacterial and a nasty sort, so thats penecillin for me, plus an inhaler to clear the breathing difficulties. In a complete surprise for me this masty bout may have triggered a deep lying asthma condition which we have had under control for ten yrs without medication. Time will tell ...

Slowly, v slowly I am beginning to feel the benefit of the antibiotics, now if I could just get rid of the actual cold and the sore ribs from coughing so much I might get to feeling half decent LOL

One thing that has suffered is the writing, I cant sit for long enough to start anything... I can only hope tomorrow is a better day

Sunday, 4 August 2013

I want to be in the heart of it...New York, New York...These vagabond blues...are melting away....(la la la)

Well now...tis Saturday night of a long weekend here across the pond in the colony and I thought to check in.  Nothing exciting, my life is rather simple at the moment, yet in the background lurks life's possibility.

First off, I am so proud of your review Clair, I think it's amazing.  The hours spent on a keyboard are only a start for an author.  Reaching out, promoting, getting noticed are the hardest.  That review solidifies everything...you are an amazing writer!  I'm so ecstatic...you're in a magazine! Woo Hoo!

Now back to what I was saying...

In less than two months I'm going on a trip to New York City.  Yes I will dance in the world of the literary giants.  Okay, not really dance, more like trip around in it...but I will walk the streets in the heart of book publishing.  I've even sprung for a 5-star hotel in the heart of Manhattan where apparently a cup of coffee is $20.00, so I'm hoping they have instant. (gotta be cheaper, right?)

I am mapping out my itinerary, a list of things to do and places to see.  Now I'm sure most have the same list:  Liberty Statue, Empire State building, Staten Island Ferry, China town, ground zero...and of course 5th Avenue shopping....just to say I've walked through....but what other places stand out in one's mind....any suggestions?

With 5-star prices, I'll probably eat out a lot and I'm open to suggestions.  If you were in New York, what foods would you want to try?

This is my first vacation in four years so I intend to make the most of it....Lord knows when I'll get another one.

I don't feel the excitement yet since it's two months away, but I am training on the elliptical and walking to ensure I can get around where I need to.  Tis sad that I've spent most of my time sitting on my heiny at work and writing at night...so I'm biting the bullet and undergoing a rigorous transformation. Will two months training be enough?  You'll have to tune in and find out I suppose.  You may just see me on the NY stories of the ER show....on a stretcher....beat red in the face from exertion....LOL

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Happy Happy Happy

Today I saw the review of "Blackpool Here We Come" in The Big Issue in The North and getting the same amount of column inches as books put out there by the big 6 is a gratifying experience.

Its not a long review by any measure but its positive and the reviewer picked up on the fact that it is in fact a tribute to a great place ! as much as it is about the work mates who visit for the day.

I have fond memories of Blackpool, visiting many times, as a teenager on day trips out with my family, trips with the kids when they were young and also as teenagers. I have special memories of taking my son on "The Big One" and then not being able to get him off.

There is no denying that you cant do it on a tight budget, everything cost money, but there are great savings to be had and a tub of two pence pieces goes a long way on the machines for kids mesmerised by trying to win more than they started with.

Everyone should visit at least once and enjoy a British seaside institution. Its not all booze, hen nights and so on, there are plenty of hidden gems and hopefully I have done some of them proud

Friday, 26 July 2013

Friday Night viewing for a deluded minion

Its been one of those weeks where Monday starts badly and the rest of the week swiftly follows but for one night and one night only Mamma Mia is on LOL

Now thats not strictly true cos its the second time this week ive watched it Ha ha ha ha ha but I cant help it. There is just something about it that no matter what stinking mood I am in, or how bad a week i've had Mamma Mia can cheer me up.

Now we all know I am an enormous Queen fan but I am also an Abba fan and there are a few Abba songs that are special to me and remind me of various things, but there is just something about this extremely cheesy film that can cheer up the most demented of minions

Now it might be the added bonus of Meryl Streep who I absolutely adore as an actress and will watch anything shes in but theres another bonus in the shape of Pierce Brosnan LOL Mr 007 himself . He cant sing but he doesnt need to LOL

Its that element of much loved tunes, sunshine, eye candy and a tiny plot. Its not trying to be something its not, its not stretching my intellect, but then I dont want it to, I just want it to be fun ... and fun it is !! One of these days I will run away to the greek isles and hole up with a loved one and just soak up the rays and visit all the places where it was filmed but until then watching it on the Tv is fine by me.

So if I annoy everyone singing along so be it. If I wear my sky box out recording it and watching it everytime its on, so be it because it cheers me up faster than ice cream or chocloate !

Sunday, 21 July 2013


Tonight I missed a self imposed deadline, and I know it will drive me silly. I have been trying to write 1250 words a day since mid May, I even blogged about it, and give or take a few missed days for one reason or another I met that aim...until the beginning of July.

In early July a family catastrophe hit us and I didnt write a word for a week and it set me back. Ive been playing catch up ever since.

From tomorrow onwards I need to work on editing the book that preceeds this one becasue that has a deadline of Aug 1 for beta readers to have a read and tell me whats what before I re edit and get it ready for publication.

Somewhere in there I need to work on the final two chapters before moving on to the next thing.

Ahhh the life of a writer is never finished.

I set myself a plan at the start of the year and within 3 weeks it was blown out of the water, but I think I've regrouped nicely. I have 1 book published already this year, 1 nearly ready for beta, 1 95% written and soon ready for its first edit.

These 2 will be released this year and show a marked change in the style for me, but dont get lulled into a false sense of security as I have plans to write many in the vein  of FBG (1st published book) and BHWC (3rd published book) but a little variety does a writer good.

Since we are in July and nearing the end, I will prob have half another new story written and then one done in nanowimo month of November.

For me the way forward is definately the 1250 or more method as it focus's my energies and keeps me on track especially when I get a little writers block or something happens

So its onwards and dont look back LOL

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Now there's an idea

When I started writing many years ago, well about seven, I originally did it for therapy to deal with a situation and it turned into a coupke of books that wee no good, but after years of writing other things I went back to the original two and have rewriten them but i decided I would never write anything else that involved anything to do with a real life situation...well not one that involved anyone I knew
but I may change that approach and write about something thats been going on of late.

I cant say anymore but it would def be interesting especially if combined with my new found passion to create characters and then kill them off.

I must be something about the month of July LOL I always feel a little off centre because of the past, but today I am decidely murderous.

Infact when I got chance tonight to write I sat down and constructed a list of characters that I could use in up and coming work and how I could kill them off LOL I have a funny feeling I am a closet thriller/murder/crime writer

Mybe I should give it a try combined with a few other ideas... Any additions to the list will be considered  LOL

Thursday, 11 July 2013

If you're not whitening....you're yellowing?

This commercial got me thinking....it's true, yet it's something I never really thought about before.  Yes, I suppose if I don't have strips on my teeth twenty-four/seven, my teeth will only get worse.
Then I thought about all the other things in life that fit this theme...

If you're not driving, you're walking
If you're not resting, you're working
If you're not working, you're mooching

...then the worst one hit me!
If you're not dieting, you're fattening

Funny how a lil old commercial warps your head in those 60 second commercials...LOL

Monday, 8 July 2013

Its hot

too hot LOL

Im british so we talk about the weather everyday, we complain about it almost everyday, we're not happy when its raining, extremely unhapy when its snowy and icy - were just never happy.
Complaining about the weather is our national past time.

Today is hot - damn hot but with that lingering muggy feeling. Now I dont really like hot days, I have to drink a lot and get over heated easily, but its the muggy bit that does me in and leaves me with a whopping hangover headache right about my left eye (normally). Strange as it maybe I actually love the rain.

The torrential downpours we've been having of late, that leave cascades of water running down the road are not enjoyable and pretty dangerous especially when it falls in a few moments but the rain thats just light, drizzly, well I like nothing better. I love to feel it fall on my face and reminds me that I am alive and I should be happy that I am alive.

Now my pooch loves the snow, mainly cos she loves to roll in it and eat it ! and I can see why, she drives me nuts, running up and down the hills covering her self in snow and chasing snowballs thankfully thats months away.

For now I am treated (NOT) to the sight of milk bottle brits walking the streets with tshirts tucked into their shorts, baring pure fairy white chests (Males only !) Why must you subject us to this? Its not nice, sometimes its damn right disgusting and its def not masculine. So put ur tops back on pls - Id rather thave pasty white then tomato ketchup red visions whenever I leave the house !

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Its a dogs life !

Lately I've been waking up in a morning to the sight of our family pet, a golden lab called Honey lying on the pillows at the top of the bed.

Here she is head on the pillow, body stretched out along the headboard. She likes her comfort that dog. Part of me thinks, she thinks shes human and therefore wants the same luxury's as we have come to expect as adults. But most of me is sure that my son, and before that, my daughter have pampered to her every whim and now she is spoiled.

She enjoys nothing better than a good meal, prefereably anyone elses than her own actual dog food, copious amounts of belly rubs and being able to sleep anywhere at anytime.

For a while there she kept me company and made me get up in a morning, to take her for nice long walks, she makes me do it again on a night time as she gives it the elongated swagger that only a labrador can. But dont trust those puppy dog eyes, cos she will sit at the window for hours on end being the one and only member of the neighbourhood dog watch. She sees everything, and I mean everything. If she could she would be noting the comings and goings of everyone in our street in a wee notebook. If shes not doing that shes watching for anyone carrying a plastic bag, a grocery bag becasue each must be thoroughly investigated for anything inside which could be to the taste of her palette and we will eat anything except lettuce and I mean anything.

I do feel sorry for my neighbours at times cos she literally runs across to them, if we are out walking, and shoves her nose right into the bags. Its embarassing but thankfully they think shes funny.

Unusually for a dog, she doesnt bark, never has, I can count on two hands how many times she has barked in her 8 or so years, however she will lick you to death ! and she can sniff out a piece of cheese or a slice of ham or bacon at 100 paces.

I must admit I wish I had her life LOL

And if  Marley and Me hadn't already been done Honey and Me would be on the shelves !

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Oh the fricken joy of holidays...

I was first hesitant when the boss said to take a day of holidays.  Thinking it's been four years without a break, I decided June 28th would be the best day.  After all, Canada Day was Monday, July 1st, so I could sleep in four days in a row.  Woo hoo...!  Oh I'm living now....

Staying up like a rebel until 1 a.m. Friday morning just because I could, I snuggled into my covers satisfied.  I turned the alarm clock off and settled into dreamland.  At 4:11, I woke feeling heat emanating.  HOT FLASH-Holy crap!  I swear I was about to spontaneous combust.  I whipped the covers back so fast, the decorative pillows landed on the other side of the bed. Getting up, walking six paces, I turned the switch for the overhead ceiling fan.  Blinded by the light attached to it, I yanked the chain to shut it off.

Lying back down in my queen-sized bed, I thought about how fortunate it is that I'm single. Sprawled out like the movies when kerchiefs tie wrists and ankles, whilst Mr. Gorgeous plays...I began to think I was more like that poor cowboy left in the desert staked as the vultures fly overhead.

The air conditioner was set at 68 degrees as always, so this shouldn't be happening, I thought as I listened to the squeak of the fan above.  Please, please, let this pass, as I felt the pool begin to develop on my chest in that divet just between.  Looking at the clock it was now 4:17, six minutes of hell was slowly fading.  By 4:18, I was completely frozen and wondering where the hell that heat went.  The room was I'm sure 65 degrees, so what the heck?  My hair stuck to my head, the chemise I wore felt damp...oh ya know!

I'm at the age where things start to change....yep, menopause.  As I try to curl up under the covers shivering...I thought about how I might explain this should I ever meet Mr. Right.  Great, the hamster in my head switched to fast forward now.

"In for a hot time?"  I lie there giggling to myself then thought of how quickly it passed and I was like an ice cube.  I can imagine the confusion that first romantic night  as I kick him off the bed so I can be in the breeze of the fan, panting...then politely ask him to come back under the covers when I need to put my ice cold body against his.  "You're so sexy," I thought to myself.  If I were married, it'd be no big surprise.  He'd of gotten used to my quirks, so this would be no big deal. 

At 5:21, the time I normally get up for work (when the alarm goes off), I started my day.  Sheesh...this is holidays?

Is it me or does everyone have the weirdest stuff happen when you think you can sleep in and enjoy some relax time? LOL    

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

I am in love with the man from Tesco's !

Yes its true I love the man who brings my Tesco Groceries LOL

I have always shopped online. It started with Ebay, and well that is, as always a bit hit and miss. You rely on the honesty of the seller and 99 times out of 100 its fine but theres always that 1. It is however, a great place to find unusual items and more than once I've found something thats raised a smile from someone I love.

Then theres the various websites, t shirts, Italian foodstuffs, German foodstuffs, Soda Stream, Ikea and so on and usually these are all fantastic. You pay your money and await delivery and however many days later it arrives.

Then theres the direct sites, where you order something, pay for it and have it delivered to the store. Now Ive used House of Fraser, Tesco Direct, and Asda (Walmart) and I have to say I will never ever use Asda again, they are so disorganised its untrue. They dont even know how many packages your order is coming in and email / text you to tell u its arrive 10 days after you've picked it up LOL - Useless. The other two are great, organised, friendly, helpful and never lost anything yet.

But I am a convert to a new kind of online shopping - Online groceries and all from the comfort of an app on my Iphone !!

Now I know some people will roll their eyes at me but since I have had issues lately with my shoulders carrying heavy bags of groceries is not helpful. So I tried the online approach. I could pick from the majority of store items, and found everything that I would normally buy. I decided to place a relatively medium size order so if it went wrong, well it wasnt too much of a hardship but it went right, very right.

I ordered it through my Iphone, got the discounts I would have in the store, and didnt buy anything that I didnt really want but fancy advertising enticed me and a nice young man delivered it right to my door in three trays, carried it into the kitchen then helped me empty the trays so he could take them back LOL

WOW, fantastic or what

I was converted. I didnt buy fresh veg cos I prefer to pick my own but everything else was fab.

So I placed a second order... sent it away today and a few hours later got a nice phone call from Tesco, seems there were two items on my list that were out of stock and I had replaced them with two products with leser amounts ( Vitamins in 30's rather than 90's) This all happened at the checkout stage but the shop were calling to tell me the 90's were in stock and would I like them LOL
Amazed - most definately, happy and I cant wait for the shopping to arrive now

I will definately do this again - the days of lugging bags from cars filled with tins, bottles and other heavy stuff is well and truly over ! + Note to self - embrace technology LOL

Friday, 28 June 2013

Is size so important ?

So is it? Is the size of something really important or is it just a matter of personal preference. Surely the answer is relevant to whatever is being compared. I mean, we all love a small piece of cake but we'd love a bigger piece. Im sure there is a particular piece of of bodies that we wished were smaller or bigger LOL No thats not what this post is about !

Whats your prefered size of paperback? Thats my point LOL

Years ago the average paperback was 4" x 7" or 4 1/2" x 7". These days the main publishers opt for 5" x 8" and thats just in recent years. One thing that strikes me as funny is that they still quote in inches while the rest of the world uses centimetres for just about everything.

I like the smaller 4" x 7" even though some can be as thick as a brick, it just feels right. The new 5" x 8" feels good too but then I dont think it will fit in the average handbag. (Thats where a kindle or such device pays dividends) But there is a growing trend in the self publishing world to use 6" x 9". Infact that's both createspace and Lulu's default size.

My question is why? Who profits from these extra inches? The writer, the customer or the publisher?

My guess its probably the publisher , they cost pretty much around the same as a 5" x 7" book, maybe a dollar more for the same size file but if you make the mistake I did with my first book, you use the default setting and then the book, although lovely is too thin and feels wrong.

I just re did FBG in a 5" z 8" size and it feels much better, but then thats just my personal preference.

Maybe thats the point that we all follow the current trend until the trend stops, only deviating when we write something that just outprices itself from the 5" x 8" range.

One things for sure Its complicated !

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Guest Posts

The keen eyes amongst you will have noticed a new contibutor to this blog over night in the shape of Wendy P (Wendiann)

Wendy has agreed to do some guest posts, to change it up, and add an extra dimension to this blog from both sides of the pond. See I live in the United Kingdon, Wendy lives in Canada, which will give you, the readers, a unique view into how self published authors fare on different continents

I hope that everyone likes the guest posts as often as Wendy can do them.  

A day in the life...

That darned alarm clock went off at 5:11 a.m.  After doing my daily sit up, I stared at the closet, trying to decide what to wear.  Reaching for my morning medication, I felt every muscle in my body scream as I contemplated what the day would bring.

Tomorrow is hump day, I thought, (which means little to me), yesterday was Monday....today is Tuesday (ICK!  The worst day of the week!)  Why do I feel this way?

After a busy weekend, having my first signing, I felt that I'd finally taken that first step and would give myself a week away from the writer life.  Monday, I woke recharged as I always do after sleeping in for two days (well 8:30), then came home and spent two hours pulling the foot tall weeds I'd ignored for months.  The heat beat down at a whopping 27 C and by the end of two hours, my butt had cramped from being bent in half.  Why can't all weeds be a foot tall at the same time?  I wondered.  Why do the bigger weeds only hide the true mess underneath?

My roommate came out to cut the grass and with one look at my bright red face, red sun-touched skin, he told me to sit for awhile (he thought I'd have a coronary).  As I look at the little garden I'd started, I knew the side and front gardens would be just as bad.  I pushed through until it was all done, took a hot shower and crawled between the sheets, exhausted, yet proud I'd caught up on real life.

As I stood to reach for the dress clothes to start my day, a familiar cramp began in the back of my leg. CHARLIE HORSE....my calve screamed!  I wobbled, kneading the stiff round ball back to where I believed it belonged.  Being creative, I likened the pain to plucking your eyelashes out one at a time.  Tears rolled down my face until the mass finally relaxed. Whew...that was over with!

Thinking I'd conquered the worst...I looked at my right foot of the same leg, to see the baby toe thrust out in an odd direction.  As I contemplated why it was pointing east....within seconds, I realized my mistake.  It seems I'd massaged that ball only for it to relocate in the bottom of my foot.  As I hobbled around trying to dress simultaneously, the clock showed I would be late ten minutes.  Enough!  My head said....this is only Tuesday?  That means I have three more mornings to face this week.  Is it any wonder I reach for a new dream? 

On that drive to work, I wondered if Anne Rice or Steven King have to pull weeds? 

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Cheesy Romance Films

This morning one of my all time favourite romantic films was on Movies 24. The movie is called "It had to be you" and stars Natasha Hendsridge and Michael Varton. Now I am a huge Michael Varton fan but in this film there is a definite lack of chemistry between these two romantic leads.

Now the plot well - Charlie Hudson, a retired crisis negotiator for the NYPD, is engaged to Claire Parker, a beautiful and successful business woman. Claire has planned a weekend in New York registering at Bergdorf Goodman, staying at The Plaza Hotel, etc., laying the foreground for the ensuing wedding. Due to an unexpected business opportunity, Claire is called away. Anna Penn, a school teacher, is scheduled to register for her wedding with fiancée' David Allen, an advertising executive, who is unable to partake in the weekend. Consequently, Charlie and Anna end up spending the next three days planning their respective weddings together. Over the course of the weekend they consult with an embittered cast of wedding advisers who, while helping them plan, simultaneously deconstruct the institution of marriage as a whole. Henry Taylor, Charlie's old partner and best friend, drowns himself in his police work and embraces an addiction with alcohol to escape his personal loneliness. Tracey Meltempi, Anna's best friend, is a sexy, vibrant hair dresser, who is weary of Anna's decision to resign from her high expectations of finding "crazy love," and settle with David. By the end of the weekend, what started out as a weekend of shopping becomes a weekend of self discovery that will change each other's life forever. Neither Anna nor Charlie can go on with their lives as they had planned. As a result, fate brings them back to each other. Four injured souls cross paths in their search for truth and in the process heal one another.

Sounds like the usual romantic comedy all wrapped up with ample opportunity for some soul searching, tender loving moments and some pandering to others.

Now I have no idea why but this was never released at the box office, certainly it has something of a cult following and you either love it for what it is or hate it. Fans of Natasha are split, fans of Michael are split 50/50 as to its good and bad points

I came across this film about ten years ago, lying on the couch one afternoon choked with the cold and it looked like a good bet to watch that afternoon and it was. Woodern acting at times apart I loved it including the end scenes complete with twinkle lights. Maybe it was the cold affecting my judgement, maybe not but it became a bit of a guilty pleasure.

Part of the charm of this film was the soundtrack, which was never released and drove me a little mad trying to find out who had sung some of the songs and I wasnt alone. The boards on IDMB for this film were also filled with peple wanting to know and between us we worked it out and I managed to get some of the tracks.

Ive watched it 100 times or more and it doesnt get worse, its grown now into a film I love to cosy up with. one which will always have a place in my DVD collection and on my Sky HD box to watch to my hearts content whenever I need an hour of cheesy romance

So whats ur cheesy romantic film getaway ?

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Free Book

Blackpool Here We Come is Free today on amazon for all kindles and kindle apps - it will remain free till 12pm PST (Thats Pacific Std Time LOL) around 8 am tomorrow morning for GMT customers

The hope with this giveaway is to attract a new bunch or readers. So please - help yourself to a copy. get it here on Amazon 

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Personal Appearances

Two of my fellow writers, who I am glad to call friends will be doing public appearances and signings this weekend. Both are in Canada, so if you're from that neck of the planet and find yourself near them stop in and say hello


Wendiann will be at McNally Robinson  Saturday Jun 22 2013 2:00 pm, Winnipeg, Grant Park by the Cash Desk

See this Link for details

Meanwhile Jennifer Bogart

Jennifer will be at Chapters in Ottawa - details on the picture attached.

Im sure both would welcome as many extra readers and friends as they can.


Monday, 17 June 2013


My need for Ice cream after finishing writing an emotional chapter made me thing about 3 things.

1. Can you set your writing mood by listening to music as you write?

2. Do you reach for the comfort food after writing an emotional scene or is it just the tissues.?

3. If writing something emotional upsets you should you change the genre you write for? Should you limit yourself?

See sometimes this is about ramblings and musings

So 1. Can you set your writing mood by listening to music as you write?

Well I think you can. After a strange day I managed to change my mood by listening to my favourite love songs and I found it easier to write the scene. By using those love songs I could put myself in a place where it was easy to get inside the characters head and express the love he felt for his pregnant wife.

Now on the other hand had I been listening to "Pour some sugar on me" by Def Leppard, well now thats a whole different erotic scene LOL

We all use music from time to time to help our moods but I have definetely found it beneficial these last few weeks getting right into the mood of my characters. Which leads me to no 2

2. Do you reach for the comfort food after writing an emotional scene or is it just the tissues.?

I guess the answer to that one is - It depends. I certainly did tonight - a tub of Strawberry shortcake Haggen Das but I dont always, it depends what I am writing. I do however keep tissues nearby and on my person when editing on the go, on my kindle.

Emotion doesnt normally, or hasnt in the past, got to me too often but in the last few months, boy thats changed. Im a heap when it comes to reading, writing or editing an emotional bit. I have no control mechanism to stop myself reacting to it and have written scenes with tears dripping down my face until I cant see to write. I need to learn new comping mechanisms, thats a new skill if ever I heard one. Until then I will rely on ice cream and chocolate !

3. If writing something emotional upsets you should you change the genre you write for? Should you limit yourself?

Mmmm now this a question and a half. for me the answer is no, no limits. You should write what you want, what you think others will want to read, irrespective of the genre. Lines cross all the time, they get blurry, so why cant you write something that crosses two. Or should you stick to womans fiction, or crime or a thriller. Or can a writer grow and write for multiple genres?

Now maybe that should be my next experiment !

Saturday, 15 June 2013

New Pages

Today I have added new pages devoted to the Sit and Do Nothing series and also And When & Now What all written by Wendiann (Wendy Proteau)

Wendy is a proud Canadian who crossed my path on Authonomy and we have been walking similar lines ever since.

Along this road to becoming a writer, you meet lots of people, some are likeminded, focus individuals and you are pleased to know them and call them friends. If you're lucky they become trusted associates who you look to for help when the writing gets to you, sometimes they become "best friends" who help you to shape your life and adventures.

The sit and do nothing series is something she has been working on for a while. A self help series of workbooks that help you to find the changes you want to make with a question and answer format that make you the star as you should be. They will not tell you how to live your life, they will not preach, they ask you questions with humour to help you work through lifes trials.

Amazon links have been added to the dot co dot uk site but they are available on all amazon sites.

Then you will find a page for her two fiction books - And When and the followu up Now What - both available in both paperback and Kindle format

Check them out, it takes but a few clicks of your mouse finger and you may like what you see !

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Red Pen of Doom

Ah the red pen nightmare has arrived. This is the bit of editing that I absolutely hate with a passion, come to think of it I hate all editing with a passion.

I love the writing part, the weaving of a storyline, the development of each character, the study of the world around them and then twisting that, making the reader laugh, or cry, eitherway but I really dislike handing it out for editing.

Its that in built repsonse that you think they dont like it, that they dont get it and buy now you'd think Id be used to it, but I'm not.

I feel the same way about people reading any of my books that I know. I want them to love them as much as I do and they inevitably might not. So when a reader tells me that she laughed everytime she read one of them (she was supposed to laugh) it eases my nerves and I think WOW, I got this one right.

At some point in the next few months I will be reaching out for beta reades for my latest project, mainly because it is very different to the three works I have on sale already, more character driven, more of an emotional read and a very big step for me, but that will give me nightmares. Every beta reader is a potential editor with a red pen, more more than one colour LOL

I said recently to the friend who is reading this and editing as she goes along that she had to be brutal with me, brutally honest even, because its no good pussy footing around and not learning the lessons. Hopefully at the end of the process, the book will be in better shape, I will have improved as a writer and I will have grown a think skin !


Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sunday Morning Love

I have a little time this morning as the mighty toddler monster that is my granddaughter is asleep having run around me since 7am.

Now there she is yesterday on the swings, yelling for her gran to push her higher. She is a daredevil, of that there is no doubt. But, it reminded me that at her age (18 months) of how much they are becoming an individual.

I am currently half way through a re write of a book with a toddler in it and have been able to drawn on madams adventures to make the toddler, hopefully, realistic.

Seeing things through her eyes is no bad thing and reminds me that she is accomplishing so many firsts and will continue to do so, a bit like her Gran really.

Spending time with her is wonderful, oh she has her moments but she is a delight. Oh dont get me wrong, having your nose nipped in the middle of the night, then listening to her laugh because shes hurt you when shes supposed to be going back to sleep tries your patience but you cant help but smile and laugh with her.

It also makes me focus more on time and also free time to write, etc. if I opened my laptop when she is awake then I def wouldnt get anything done as she likes to tap on the keys and write her own masterpiece. Maybe one day she will, I have no doubt this little lady will go on to great things, she is too smart, stubborn and independent not to !

As writers we should all try looking through the eyes of a child / toddler every so often, believe me even if I didn have a toddler in my current work it would still help with others. How they see the world, how they explore, the simplest of jobs becomes an adventure done with a new zest for life.

We should all remember that and look at our writing journeys as a big adventure ! I know I will !

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

It started with NaNoWriMo

Last November I took the NaNoWriMo Challenge and 50,000 words later Blackpool here We Come was born. Now it wasn't that simple, obviously, as anyone who writes knows, it takes a lot more than the initial writing of the story but thats probably the biggest chunk and without that there is no book.

So after that I celebrated but the idea of having a daily target stuck with me. when I decided to re write the development book "Left Behind" I figured since I was on a very tight deadline I would use the same method, i.e. a minimum amount each day...and it worked. Deadline met, book finished and now in the process of being edited.

I am currently applying the same process to another re write that I began on 8th May.

But I was asked if I realised what i could accomplish if I wrote 1250 words a day for a year - that would be 456,250 words . On average my books are 50 - 90 K but even at 90K thats 5 new books
and it made me think, really think... Is it even possible ???

Short bursts, 6-8 weeks, yes but then theres editing, covers to develop, polishing and everything else that goes on ... is it possible to do all that and still write 1250 words a day

I feel a challenge coming on !

I have to say so far after nearly 4 weeks I am 1400 words infront of where I should be for 1250 words a day but the hard part will come when it is time to edit.

Anyone else ever thought about doing something like this ?????

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Where to write

As I sit here this morning with a trusty gingerbread latte in a well known coffee shop, music playing, other patrons chatting I am wondering why this will probably be the most productive hour of the day! 

It seems to me that this is my escape and I have no idea why but the distractions here are less than being at home with housework calling and tv blaring. 

I guess it's the ability to write anywhere thanks to my trusty laptop and write anywhere I do and at all hours but surely this must be a strange way to be productive. 

If I have learned anything lately it's that I do better when I focus maybe that's why this works ... Whatever it is I love it lol 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A little help

Part of this page will always be devoted to helping other self published authors spread the word of their work. Its the least that i can do and as the saying goes "Every Little Helps" (Sorry Tesco!)

So down the side of this page you will see Blods belonging to various writers, their amazon links (always dot co dot uk specific but remember there are 9 amazon sites you can use) and also their various web pages devoted to their writing etc.

Anyone wishing to add their work to these, just give me a shout and I'm happy to add it.

So today I have added the blog links for Jennifer Bogart and also Deborah Armstrong. 2 Canadian writers. Jennifer has just published her third book "Money, Masks and Madness" while Deborah is about to publish her second in the next few days, "Loves Promises."

I have also added links to "And When" & "Now What" - 2 novels by Wendy Proteau, another Canadian writer who also has her own web page, with links to her Self help "Sit N Do Nothing Series"

All of these novels would be classed as either chick lit, womans fiction or romance. However I hate classifying novels as like my own they cross many genres

Check them out !


"Loves Promises" is available in hard copy from amazon or Debs own website. Link attached to the side of this blog - Kindle version to follow !

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Hello and welcome to the musings of a Self Published Author. I have had blogs before but this one will be my main author version.

I hope to have some fun, help some other authors by focusing on their work, giving updates on my own, updates on writing challenges and just wandering along this road of an author.

Hopefully we can all have smiles, tears and laughs at those ups and downs

Watch this space for much more to come