It's Tuesday evening across the pond....I sit here contemplating my day. Work was extremely hectic. I'm proud to say I stood up for the right thing, however, I got caught in the crossfires. I'm not one to cower or shy away from speaking my mind, which is both a good and bad. When I see someone unjustly accused, blamed or pointed at, when in fact the problems lie elsewhere....well I kinda tell it like it is. (gets me in trouble...but I can't deal with stupid!!! LOL)
After my hectic day, I arrive home, eat, then take the half hour walk that has become part of my new regime....(a new roommate is helping me to be my best). Daily she ensures I'm eating what I should....keeping away what I should not, and spurring on the cardio. God love her for taking such good care of me.
As we walked down the pavement, sure enough I felt the familiar ache that seems to always come ten minutes into it. What the heck is that pain in my lower back? I ask myself. (Okay, so one of the misfortunes of being a writer is you tend to sit for long periods) I have muscles between my back and my butt? And now they're screaming.
Finally at 10 p.m., I am dragging my body to the shower where I can let the heat beat on my back. The funny thing is though....I am never in pain the next morning? Surely I should feel like someone beat me, but nada.
I ponder this thought....if I could work out while sleeping, I'd never be cramped, crimped or feel any type of discomfort. Why can't they make a machine that does that? Picture this now, you lie on a bed and strap every appendage to a table that independently moves in all can see it, can't ya? You could be snoring away while running a marathon! I could wake completely comfortable, well rested and a size 3......
Woo hoo! I bet there is a scientist somewhere drawing one up right now......
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