I genuinely dont keep great anyway but I hate it when a common cold turns violent.
What started as a sore throat quickly turned nasty. Within 24 hrs I had a fully blown cold and tonsalitis. We thought that was the end of it...a few days taking extra paracetemol, sucking ice cubes, ice lollies and ice cream and trying to dry up the runny nose. I tried to stop it heading down to my chest and it looked like I had but then yesterday things turned extra nasty.
I couldnt catch my breath and every one I did take was painful and laboured. Count walk up a small hill without stopping for a while and trying to slow my heart and breathing. Everything took twice as long and it was too much. Off to seek help I went and boy was it a shock.
My O2 sats were only 84 considering it should be 100 to 95 I was in a bit of bother. When they checked me out they discovered the tonsalitis was bacterial and a nasty sort, so thats penecillin for me, plus an inhaler to clear the breathing difficulties. In a complete surprise for me this masty bout may have triggered a deep lying asthma condition which we have had under control for ten yrs without medication. Time will tell ...
Slowly, v slowly I am beginning to feel the benefit of the antibiotics, now if I could just get rid of the actual cold and the sore ribs from coughing so much I might get to feeling half decent LOL
One thing that has suffered is the writing, I cant sit for long enough to start anything... I can only hope tomorrow is a better day
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