Yesterday I published my fourth novel "Left Behind." Its been a long time coming - a story thats been in development and been through multipe changes since 2005.
I recently stored the latest copy onto memory stick and discovered all the previous versions, fifteen of them LOL.The general idea for the story hasnt changed, most plot details havent but there is a big difference between tthe first and last version.
Its interesting to look back and see how far as writer you have come. Even just a quick read of the first chapter shows the different styles, word choice and the overall writing.
Yesterday was the perfect day to publish it, its 2nd part will be out towards the end of december, again on the perfect day for that story. Yesterday was also my birthday and I really dont like birthdays. I love everyone elses but not mine. However yesterday was actually really nice and I felt spoiled, special and well it was a great day - So thanks to my kids and Jo xx
Congrats lady! I'm so proud of you....yes you've grown with every book. What a birthday gift, to have yet another one on the shelf. Yay!