Thursday, 4 July 2013

Its a dogs life !

Lately I've been waking up in a morning to the sight of our family pet, a golden lab called Honey lying on the pillows at the top of the bed.

Here she is head on the pillow, body stretched out along the headboard. She likes her comfort that dog. Part of me thinks, she thinks shes human and therefore wants the same luxury's as we have come to expect as adults. But most of me is sure that my son, and before that, my daughter have pampered to her every whim and now she is spoiled.

She enjoys nothing better than a good meal, prefereably anyone elses than her own actual dog food, copious amounts of belly rubs and being able to sleep anywhere at anytime.

For a while there she kept me company and made me get up in a morning, to take her for nice long walks, she makes me do it again on a night time as she gives it the elongated swagger that only a labrador can. But dont trust those puppy dog eyes, cos she will sit at the window for hours on end being the one and only member of the neighbourhood dog watch. She sees everything, and I mean everything. If she could she would be noting the comings and goings of everyone in our street in a wee notebook. If shes not doing that shes watching for anyone carrying a plastic bag, a grocery bag becasue each must be thoroughly investigated for anything inside which could be to the taste of her palette and we will eat anything except lettuce and I mean anything.

I do feel sorry for my neighbours at times cos she literally runs across to them, if we are out walking, and shoves her nose right into the bags. Its embarassing but thankfully they think shes funny.

Unusually for a dog, she doesnt bark, never has, I can count on two hands how many times she has barked in her 8 or so years, however she will lick you to death ! and she can sniff out a piece of cheese or a slice of ham or bacon at 100 paces.

I must admit I wish I had her life LOL

And if  Marley and Me hadn't already been done Honey and Me would be on the shelves !

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