Wednesday, 24 December 2014


This year (2014) saw me publish "All For Her" and put all 5 books on Smashwords. We've given away 2260 + copies of "Another Chance In Love" in just 7 months with no marketing other than the odd post on Facebook and sold a few copies of all 5. All in all its not been a bad year.

Its not been a productive year either LOL I had these plans and I found a copy today and the year ended up nothing like it...

Plans dominate our lives and if its not plans then its To Do Lists and I am no different. I have lists for shopping, lists for jobs around the house and I have a plan for what I need to work on writing next year.

Next year will be better because I will plan it better, give myself more time to accomplish goals. I have 5 books all at various stages, but all part written, including the nano projects from 2013 and 2014. This year 2015 is the year to refocus my energies, and finish all 5 before moving on to other long term ideas that have had to take a back seat.

I allowed personal issues to overtake me this year and my focus dropped but that will not happen next year because 2015 is my year of that I am determined. I might not make it but I will damn well try.
Now, onward's to work out 2015's plan

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Thoughts and Plans

Since the end of Nano, really, and a lot over the last few days I've been thinking about a direction for 2015. What are my aims? What would I like to happen? What can I plan?

Things have changed, dramatically in some ways and I have embraced them, well most of them. Some I fought against and lost. Some I won, but it cost me dear and I can honestly say I wish the end of 2014 more than I would want to re live it. 

So onward's to 2015 and it WILL be a year of difference, big changes but this time for positive reasons. Me and mine come first above all else for starters, then the few people I still call friends and after that well life has a way of changing when you least expect it. 

What can I plan? - that's simple. I plan to write every day, at least a few words and from that it will grow. If I'm not writing then I will blog because I should be doing that more as well

Other than that, bring it on !

Sunday, 19 October 2014

To Nano or not to Nano

For the past couple of years I have participated in Nano through the month of November. To those who havent done it or heard of it its the NanoWrite challange of writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Ive done it over the past three years and completed each although last year was hard due to illness half way through. This year I am procrastinating about taking part. Seems like thats been the theme of the past 12 months - total procrastination. I have four novels all at various stages of completion, including last years Nano book, none finished and absolutely no get up and go to finish them. None. At times this year I havent cared whether I wrote another word or not.

So a big part of me is wondering whether to try Nano as a tool for getting me back into the habit of writing again or not to bother. I have a few ideas, long term ones that have been brewing, thrashing around my mind some for a few years and I wonder if I should work on one of those. But then ive tried various ideas this year into making me write continously and none have worked - so will Nano??

Honestly I don't know...

Have I fallen out of love with writing, Yes, definetely. I need to find the idea that will spark my creativity back to life and make me believe again. I worked on two very personal stories for so long they left me emotionally drained but also reaked havoc on the drive to create. I was at rock bottom when I published the last and have fought back.

So I guess I am reluctant to put so much of me into another story but I know to make a story work there needs to be character realism, reality and development and sometime I have to immerse myself in the world and leave a part of me there.

Time will tell but I hope that drive will return, I miss not crafting.  

Sunday, 12 October 2014

A week of discovery

This past week I have been recharging my batteries by toddler sitting my grandadaughter. We shared 6 days of fun, a few toddler tantrum moments but lots of smiles, hugs and simple pleasures

Who couldn't love that little face !!

I have to say at the begining she was a bit iffy, wanted her Mum but an hour later and 2 episodes of Scooby Doo she was all smiles. As the days dawned she lost the quiet side and it was as if I was always there. Soon she was walving bye bye to Mum in a morning and lets go Nannie.

She is an absolute delight to hang out with and in all honesty thats what this week was. Hanging out with a youngster. The biggest smiles reserved for walks in drizzle, walking through wellie high puddles, jumping in smaller ones and high pushes on a swing and the obligatory happy meal complete with scooby doo toy !

We had our moments, she can be hyper (as all toddlers can) and turning the cartoons off while eating dinner became a trump card and a good Nannie threat.

Its wonderful to have the luxury of time. Time to sit with her and watch an episode of Scooby Doo, time to go to the park and see the smiles, to hear her singing the theme tune to her cartoons and other songs but it also lights a fire in my heart.

The world seen through the eyes of a toddler is a mystical place, full of wonderment that we all take for granted. A ride on the big bus - an everyday occurance but an adventure to her. A visit to Asda's cafe - again an adventure and a treat. Its those things that we all need to look at through fresh eyes. In a world where we all want the best of things and the latest technical gadgets its good to get back to basics and just enjoy the simple things in life

There is nothing better !!!!


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Looking for Inspiration

This is the longest bout of writers block / can't be bothered I've had for... well since I started writing

This is definately how its felt of late I start, get about 20,000 words in and think nah i'm not sure, not feeling it, maybe it will work better in 1st person, maybe not and I give up and start something different - Im just not feeling any story and its frustrating.
I've tried changing genres, tried aiming and working on something for 1 person but nothing has worked. Even tried writing excercises, as in writing a few words on specific subjects just to get used to writing again and while that was successful it didnt carry through to writing a story.
Has me wondering if thats it ...  

There are things on my mind and severe restraints just now and I'm thinking thats not helping but writing has always been my escape, my way of coping with life and if I dont have that I may just go a little crazy.

I am about ready to tie myself to the chair, tie my arms to the desk and position the laptop so the only thing I can do is write !

Anything is worth a try...

Suggestions ????

Monday, 18 August 2014

Quiet for a while

Its been a while since I blogged and life has not been ideal to say the least.

Sore eyes which can't focus across the multiude of electronic devices we all use, phone, Kindle, TV, laptop screen to name a few all cause varying degrees of pain, temporary blindness and fuzziness added to a bad bout of measles with added conjunctivitus. All these things have made me re assess my priorities and unfortunatly some things have fallen by the wayside.

I was a member of a writing / crit site and for a while it was great but now thats gone. I simply dont have the time to read online or a hand held device and write, all while trying to look after my eyes and not agrivate them.

Its simple really - am I a writer or reader? My priority is writing, so my time leans towards writing. If my eyes improve and its a big IF, well maybe I can return but right now I need to find the time and health to push on with my passion.

Lately the changes with my eyes enforced a slow down and a lack of confidence that I could continue to write, which gave my mind too much time to think and ask whether I am indeed a writer. Time on ones hands is never a good thing. Over thinking occurs and things we are not happy with in life, become blown out of proportion. Questions creep up on you and to someone like me who doesnt speak to many people about whats bothering me, well it causes a form of mild depression, whilst going through the worst of the problem. It never gets too dark because I recognise the signs, neither am I jumping on any depression bandwagon. Anyone who speaks to me/communicates regularily with me saw the downward changes and have seen the recovery and also know that its happened a few times over the past ten years or so.

A lot has changed this year and we are only in August. Changes that no one saw coming. Some of these havent been easy, relationships have changed, some dissappeared, some broken beyond all recognition, some repaired and its not just been that. Life today is nothing like Life of last year. The bad times make the darkness worse, the good make it light. happiness is at a premium.

I have learnt a few things and recognised a pattern. I am a listener, always have been, always will be, first and foremost. I listen in the bad times, I listen in the good. One thing is have noticed is that when times are bad for others, I listen more. When times are good I am dropped, no longer required. That wont happen again.  - Do it once, more fool you, do it twice - more fool me - there wont be a third time.

I would rather retreat and dissappear ... save the heart ache, the questioning and spend my time and energy on those who matter most.

So whats next ??

Whats next is moving on, accepting Life for what it is and facing the fear of not being able to write... and pushing through. Some work may not see the light of day, some hopefully will but either way, it deserves a chance as do I!


Monday, 14 July 2014

Pen name or not

The thought occurred to me lately to branch out a little from my usual genres or writing but it's been suggested that for some genres I might need a pen name.

The idea is that a man’s story gets a better response if a man writes it, unless it crime then women authors do okay. As for an erotic story, well I'd def need a pen name.

The downside is that trying to build a readership is hard work, using a pen name means starting all over again, building, advertising and I'm wondering if it’s worth it for, well certainly the stories more aimed at a male readership.

Then there is the name itself, or names....mmm its a complete conundrum and something I’ve been tossing around for weeks. First names, surnames, initials – the combinations are staggering. Obviously there are a few funny ones, then a couple that are too close for comfort especially if it’s an erotic story.

I was asked if I would use a pen name because I am ashamed of writing an erotic story and that’s not it either, not in the slightest. It’s so that someone who reads one of my established books, can pick up another and know what they are getting, along with new ones in the same genre.

The more I think about it, the more I know I need at least one and I need a few suggestions !!    

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Falling out of Love

Its the same with every book that I write, I get approximately half way through and hit a brick wall. People tell me its writers block but its not. I know whats to come next its just that I fall out of love with the characters and the storyline.

I think it's because it takes so long to develop characters, a feasable storyline, then start to write it all down that at some point it is inevitable that we just need a break from them. I try to do something else for a few days, anything, something but this time that urge to write the next bit hasnt come back, so I am trying something different - starting something new, rather than working on an idea thats been in my mind for a while. Maybe that will help.

I will come back to the books that are half written or half edited thats for sure, Ive done that all through my writing career. If it takes a week, a month, till next year so be it.

Maybe its more of a mental issue. I am a writer that needs things around them to be right. The house needs to be tidyish, no daily jobs outstanding and I need to be in a fairly good, stress free mood especially when I am trying to craft a romantic book. If not in the right place it shows in my word selection and then costs me more time in the editing process. I dont need quiet, far from it but I doo need to feel right. In the end who knows its just how I work I guess...

BTW Wow how cool does that sound - writing career! But its true, more than one book - thats a career. For me the most important thing is that I am writing, creating something, carefully crafting a story that I will like and if others like it, great.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Woo hoo

Seven weeks ago I decided to experiment with a new strategy when it came to getting my work out into the big bad world. I made ond of my books free. Now its free on Apple IBooks, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and all its affiliate sites. The only one its not free on is Amazon, no matter how much I tell them its free on other sites they are reluctant to price match it. I assume they will do it eventually its just frustrating that their wheels turn at a snails pace.

Anyway.... Today I looked over the sales reports and to my surprise Ive "Sold" - given away 1700 copies of "Another Chance at Love" in the past 7 weeks with little or no marketing other than my facebook page, Twitter, and this blog. Thats astonishing and it continues to get downloads every day which to me is another surprise.

On top of that Ive got a handful of good reviews, some great and thats another big bonus. I will be forever grateful to the readers who not only read the book but left a review, that is an awesome thing to do and not many do.

The other great thing is that after a week from hell away from writing, its that it gives me belief, pushes me on and I hope that I can use that incentive to push forward and finish the next books.

I thank everyone who downloads the book, reads it and hopefully some will really like it LOL


Sunday, 1 June 2014

Moving Forward

A few years ago I wrote a book about my favourite west end show "We Will Rock You" following two friends around Europe as they watched it in as many European cities as tbey could in a three week period, cullminating in a last performance at the Dominion Theatre in London. Last night that run of shows, in that theatre came to an end.

One can only hope that at somepoint they decide to give it another outing and do a last UK tour or something similar, I know I'd go again even after already going 6 times.

This morning I realised something - the show isn't over, its just postponed for a while a bit like the follow up story I always planned. I could never quite hammer the plot home, never settle on exactly what I wanted it to be, where to set it and even if there should be another Queen / WWRY link.

I've run into hitches all the way with the follow up, even down to the characters. They are based on two real life people, best friends - or at least they used to be. I guess you could say that they are also postponed at the moment LOL

Any ideas are stored in a folder, labeled appropriately as FBG2 but I fear its a folder that may never be opened. I have many folders and I guess some of them look better at the moment. I hope much like my hopes that the show will come back at some point, that the friendship might move forward on some level and my ideas for the story might spring into life - I doubt it but you always gotta have hope.

Maybe one day I will read the original book and be in a place, mentally and spiritually to figure out where the follow up goes or if it should stop as it has.

Whatever the ending, last nights was awesome !

Friday, 16 May 2014

What a week

At the start of this week I was an ill sad little minion, afraid to eat anything, struggling with wheat withdrawl and worried that I couldnt handle the enforced dietary changes

By tuesday my wheat headache was still going strong, eyes fuzzy, stomach was having major issues and I couldnt figure out what to eat except vegetables and chicken - even my go too food chicken noodle soup was off the menu - thank god for coffee

Wednesday am and headaches gone, im hungry again and wondering what to have for breakfast. Filled with yoghut and oats it was time to catch up on writing but a few bad reviews had me pondering about my new project

Time to think is a good thing but too much time, 5 relative inactive days as far as creativity and thats definetely far too much to think about your ideas, plot, characters and direction

By thursday lunchtime I'd decided to change the story - which is 30K already, into first person from third because it would make the emotion much more real and later that afternoon started the process. I have to say its the best decision by far that I've made this week. Didn't stop me arguing with a box of rice crispies that night for not being gluten free in the UK LOL

And today, well today I woke with a smile, no headache, and for the first time in a long time I felt great - even the allergic gluten rash on my hand had begun to heal better and with my favourite coffee in my hand, my all time favourite band playing on my ipod (Queen) I ended this week with a smile on my face, energy in my soul and a determination to put this week behind me and move forward

No illness, change of diet has slowed me and taking wheat / gluten from my diet is just the same. Live is a chance and its how you take it that counts. Right now Im holding on with two hands and going for a ride

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Big Day for Sport

Huge day for Sport and we all know I love my sport
First off we have F1 and the Spanish GP from Barcelona. Have to say I'm looking forward to this one - lots of teams are so close and its led to great racing at all ends of the grid.
Watching yesterday, lots of off road action, problems and as a non Vettal fan LOL problems for him. Its Fernando's home GP but starting from so far down and with a car thats got less straight line speed its hard to see him getting on the podium unless both Mercs have reliability issues.
Either way you cant really see past a Merc 1-2.
And its back on the BBC Live - I am a huge sky sports watcher but I do prefer the BBC's coverage of F1 (sorry SKY) its just what I prefer - pity they only cover half live.

Then its off to the Ethiad and Anfield for the culmination of the Premier League. This time last year the title was ours (Man Utd's) so its hard to see us not involved but after a difficult season we are doing a little better.

Anyway, I am officially torn. Do I want the noisy neighbours (Man City) to win or the scousers (Liverpool) to end up with the trophy. The inter team hatred between both is equal to some, its a bit more with the Pool than the noisy neighbours...

The fan in me will always say us ( ha ha - no surprise) - but if I had to let either win then city it is - mainly so it stays in manchester.

The neutral in me, the part always looking for omens and signs would ahve to say it should be liverpools year, with the 25 yr anniversary of Hillsborough (#JFT96) and having watched them play attractive football and deal with everything thats come their way

Hmmmmm either way it will be a day of high drama of that I am sure

So let the fun begin !

Saturday, 10 May 2014

My Pet Hate


I'm tolerant of most things in life, easy enough to go with the flow. I've become the type of person happy to sit at the back, go unnoticed and say nothing - which will surprise a few people. As long as you dont get me riled. Do that and Captain Caveman will unleash his awesome power on ur ass LOL

However here is one thing in ,ife that I hate and hate more than anything and that is lateness. If you say you will do something then do it. be where you said you will be or at least have the decency to tell me, at that point, not hours later - its annoying and in the words of a good friend - rips my knitting!

So what has me annoyed well, here I sit waiting on someone who wants me to do them a favour and countersign important documents. Was organised for 8pm last night, person was a no show, no call, no text nothing - woke to an email saying I'll be round at 10 and im sorry. Now its nearly 11 and I'm fed up LOL

I hate being late, get nervous if I am. I am the perpetual early bird, early for everything so when someone is late I find it more annoying. If its genuine, bus broke down etc than fine but time got away from me - pah.

It makes me look at things diferently because if this task or this visit was so important to the other person then they'd be where they said they would be at the right time.

Knowing my luck they will walk in just as the motor racings about to start, further disrupting what I want to do today.

Some people would just say dont wait, their fault and thats true or it is until they are waiting in for something LOL

So what are everyone else pet hates ?? And what do you do about them??

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Square peg in a round hole

There I was this morning minding my own business eating a second bowl of cornflakes and a second mug of coffee, watching the documentary When James met Gary and theres a knock at the door.

Usually I would check it then decide to ignore it or not but today since it was late morning I opened the door expecting it to be the postman.

No it was someone wanting to do a survey and since we've done these in the past I figured why the hell not

Its usually what are the facilities like in the immediate area, shops, sports etc but not today - today was about watching TV

Usual questions - how many TV's have you got although she balked at the answer LOL, do you have satelite, cable, HD etc

Do you watch TV on ur phone - No on ur laptop - No - games device - No are you sure about the laptop - Yes I use it for work - Hmmm

How much of BBC 1 do you watch? Huummmm stumped - had to think well depends if there is motor racing on, or a good drama, Dr Who, or a good film other wise no

Ok do you watch American shows, CSI etc - oh yes all the time !

Films - Yup all the time
Sports - Yup, (What do you watch?) Motor racing , Football, American Football
Documentary's - yep -discovery
Drama - oh definetly
Soaps - No not at all

Okay so we have categories and I'd say you are in the intellectual but thrill seeker group which I am surprised about (Said as she looks me up and down) Are you sure you watch the programs you have said you do

Huh?? have u met me, the person who does nothing, goes v few places anymore LOL Given half a chance and wind the clock back twenty yrs and I might be a thrill seeker and yes I do watch what Ive said I do

So the woman then tells me had I said yes to soaps and no to documentaries and sports then I would be in the biggest grouping which is women between 25 and 50, usually married, kids older than 5,
I fit that group as well LOL

Thing is like my music my TV watching habits are quite eclectic and there is nothing wrong in that
so I refuse to be in a box LOL

And the 1 question right at the end that made me fall over myself  - whats your job - now I said author to see her expression and she said - no really whats ur job - (You gotta laugh) - I say yes I am and she says you dont look like one

what the hell does a writer look like ???

I happened to have a copy of Left Behind sitting on the table because I promised to give it to someone and if I dont leave it somewhere visible I will forget - so I pointed to it and said thats one of mine and she says Oh ryt ok - well ill leave that section Blank (WTF)

Quick as a flash shes done and gets up to leave just as Top gear is about to start on Dave, oh I hate that she says, love it I reply, right up my street and shes gone as fast as her little legs can carry her

Somehow I dont think we will get picked for a new survey any time soon - we just dont fit the boxes

Sunday, 27 April 2014

A habitual rethink

For the past few years I have enjoyed a morning coffee on a Saturday by sitting at a well known establishment (not my usual one) having a lattee, possibly a toastie and for an hour or so I concentrate on nothing but typing, crafting a story or editing that story.

I pay no attention to those around me, have my headphones plugged in - at least 1 ear, usually both and I put my head down and work but for the last two visits thats been called into question...

Last weekend an elderly couple told a member of staff that I was transcribing their conversation - I wasnt and the member of staff confirmed that. This week in a different branch I was told that I was disturbing people by the noise of my typing ( i kid you not!) I dont have a typewriter, just a laptop and its not noisy.

Around me two more people were working on laptops and other devices and they all looked flabergasted as I was told. I thought I was about to be asked to turn the music down but no, to slow the speed of my typing. One kind soul walked across to me from the next table and said - couldnt hear a thing!

Thing is these days people go to coffee shops to do all sorts of things, have meetings, meet friends, interviews, work, alsorts. I have never complained about anyone no matter how loud they talk or how obnoxious they are being yet now I feel like next week I cant do what Ive done for years.

My choices are to move shop, which also means moving where I shop as the two are located together, but why should I or not go in and lose that hour of creativity.

Or not bother and keep going - thing is I hate confrontation, makes me uncomfortable

Or go shopping, come home and hope not too many things distract me whist I try and work at home

I guess next Saturday morning I will see how brave I feel....

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Change By Design

Change is something I'm not really good at, major change that is and lately there has been far too much of it, which led to a few problems, health wise and also a loss of my mojo.

For the first time in over a year I took a sideways step, spent some time decorating, reading (anything I could get my hands on), baby sitting, visiting tourist attractions (Transport Museum) and doing jigsaws. Anything but writing - I had to say No....

I needed to recharge, refresh and change my tactics.

I am my biggest critic, there are times when I'm my only critic, and I expect way too much of myself and other people.

So change I did, changed my habits, my expectations and one day I woke up and got my mojo back.

Instead of looking back and working on things that have been in the pipelines for years I can finally say I am looking forward and working on new ideas, new characters, new places, new stories - things that I want to progress, want to share with anyone who wants to read my work.

Ive also listened to some people who have had more success than me and have taken their advice. On that part, one of my five books is permanently free on smashwords - Another chance at love - once Amazon catches up with its price match it will be free on their as well. 1 day in and results are encouraging in the terms of downloads and I'm happy

So that time away from writing was useful to recharge and when I wanted to write again, I had an empty home and plenty of time. That isolation helped me focus not just on writing but on all the issues, helped me to understand, begin to move on and adjust to the changes in my surroundings and life.

Change by design is the change to fit me and my new life, a new chapter in life, a new book to work on, well several and a new outlook!

Long may it last !!

Saturday, 22 March 2014

People Watching is legitimate research !

People watching is finally a legitimate excuse since I'm intending not to base many more characters on people I know. I may use a few from time to time but its time to watch and translate actions to the pages.

By sitting quietly sipping a mug of steaming coffee and just watching the world go by, plenty of interesting characters walk past. Watching their actions, the way they walk, act around others gives me food for thought and an abundance of ideas and characters to fill the pages. Ive even started to take description notes to remind me at a later date of that person and what made them stand out.

Now Im not taking about particular groups of people, just those everyday normal types that sometimes walk about with their heads down, trying to get through the day invisible from one minute to the next. Those are the kinds I like to spot, to watch how they get by, the kind of characters I need for the next few books. Their actions and manerisms will add depth and thats not a bad thing ...

It all helps !

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

New Book

Finally "All For Her" is out an on the imaginary shelves that is Amazon. Its been a long journey with this one, through many guises, three name changes, two format changes and at last count about 15 actual documents...

But its finally here - now its another kind of journey - waiting to hear what people think - daunting

Anyway its set 6 years after "Left Behind" and follows the continued lives of Steven & Sandy,

There maybe a third book further down the line from a completely different point of view, time will tell. For now enjoy ! 

Saturday, 1 March 2014

What's in a Title

Well everything apparently!

It's easy I hear you cry but its not !

I always start by trying to come up with something that covers the story and the characters which is not as easy as it sounds and as I've learnt recently what fits it at one point might not fit once its rewritten. The cover above is for the book I hope to publish in the next few weeks and its had 4 different titles.

I've been writing it as a follow up to "Left Behind" for about 5 years. In its first years it was called "A Forbidden Dream" because the story focused on one particular aspect. Then after a major rewrite and re focus it changed to "The Hell Within."

Then the reviews werent favourable as a straight line story for "Left Behind" and it changed to a story centering around a conversation. Since this one follows, I had to change and update to the same format but still focus's on one aspect and I left the title as "The Hell Within". Again although most reviews were favourable the title wasnt, leaving me with an issue.

Its had the same title for around three years and I've been attached to it, but now it didn't work

Between Wendy and I, we went through many conertations, settling on two. Her Precious life and All For Her.

I couldn't decide so I took both to the next level and researched them. This included checks on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble and finally Google, to check for other books of the same name, or any that are close and any organisations that are close to or use any of the titles.

Immediately Her Precious Life was ruled out since Precious Life is an anti abortion organisation in the USA and this stories not about anything to do with that

So, "All For Her" it is. Fingers crossed its the right choice


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Old Habits & Bad Habits

Been a while since I blogged mainly because blogger and internet explorer aren't talking to each other and I hate chrome but since a fix doesn't appear to be coming I need to get over it and use Chrome LOL. It feels different, reacts different but is inherently easier to use or it is so far, no doubt the old reasons I hated it so much will slowly creep back in as I continue to use it. It just annoys me that two websites I use can't or won't work on IE yet everything else does.

I think I must be going through an annoying phase, from technology to people talking loudly on their mobile phones on public transport to people eating spicy smelly food in enclosed spaces. Either I'm getting old and set in my ways or human beings have just dialed up the bad habits to eleven

You know the ones, who sit on public transport, phone attached to their ear, and they open with "I'm on the bus!" Oh you don't say - to "Yeah i'll see you in twenty minutes" then proceed to chat to the same person loudly for twenty minutes

Now I like to edit or read when I'm travelling and I could put earphones in but then I'd concentrate on the music and not what I'm supposed to be reading and if 50 other people on the same bus can be quiet then why cant the other 1... Its just rude !!

So is eating curry - and I kid you not

Or sitting the wrong way in a seat so your back is against the seat in front, and you push and push against it constantly knocking the other person forward and why, so u can talk to your mate sitting behind you who's busy drinking from a can and talking loudly on her phone - classy !!

I honestly believe common decency has gone out the window of late. As long as that person gets to do what they want, sod everyone else. I witnessed someone actually ask another passenger to quieten down and the abuse the poor guy received was horrendous. So much so he got off the bus at the first available stop and waited on the next.

And trains are no better!    

When did common decency turn on its head ???? Something needs done for the good of everyone otherwise rudeness wins and people think they can just get away with it.

Me thinks my little minion friend will need to appear and tell them how it is - now there's an idea !!

Revenge of the Common Passenger !!!!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Biding time

When a book is being reviewed or beta read its a nervous time. Do they like it, whats wrong, whats not appropriate, are there inconsistencies?

Its wise to have as broad a band of people reviewing as possible to get a good feel how its received across men and women, but this is the first time I've had reviews done by beta readers (non writers) and also reviewers who are also writers.

The feedback is quite different but equally as excellent as the other. The job is to go through each and see what similarities there are and therefore what bits to change but remembering that they are suggestions and advice.

But no point starting now ... gotta wait till they are all in and then compile them all. Fingers crossed we are on course for a march release

Till then its onwards to the next idea