At the start of this week I was an ill sad little minion, afraid to eat anything, struggling with wheat withdrawl and worried that I couldnt handle the enforced dietary changes
By tuesday my wheat headache was still going strong, eyes fuzzy, stomach was having major issues and I couldnt figure out what to eat except vegetables and chicken - even my go too food chicken noodle soup was off the menu - thank god for coffee
Wednesday am and headaches gone, im hungry again and wondering what to have for breakfast. Filled with yoghut and oats it was time to catch up on writing but a few bad reviews had me pondering about my new project
Time to think is a good thing but too much time, 5 relative inactive days as far as creativity and thats definetely far too much to think about your ideas, plot, characters and direction
By thursday lunchtime I'd decided to change the story - which is 30K already, into first person from third because it would make the emotion much more real and later that afternoon started the process. I have to say its the best decision by far that I've made this week. Didn't stop me arguing with a box of rice crispies that night for not being gluten free in the UK LOL
And today, well today I woke with a smile, no headache, and for the first time in a long time I felt great - even the allergic gluten rash on my hand had begun to heal better and with my favourite coffee in my hand, my all time favourite band playing on my ipod (Queen) I ended this week with a smile on my face, energy in my soul and a determination to put this week behind me and move forward
No illness, change of diet has slowed me and taking wheat / gluten from my diet is just the same. Live is a chance and its how you take it that counts. Right now Im holding on with two hands and going for a ride
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