Sunday, 12 October 2014

A week of discovery

This past week I have been recharging my batteries by toddler sitting my grandadaughter. We shared 6 days of fun, a few toddler tantrum moments but lots of smiles, hugs and simple pleasures

Who couldn't love that little face !!

I have to say at the begining she was a bit iffy, wanted her Mum but an hour later and 2 episodes of Scooby Doo she was all smiles. As the days dawned she lost the quiet side and it was as if I was always there. Soon she was walving bye bye to Mum in a morning and lets go Nannie.

She is an absolute delight to hang out with and in all honesty thats what this week was. Hanging out with a youngster. The biggest smiles reserved for walks in drizzle, walking through wellie high puddles, jumping in smaller ones and high pushes on a swing and the obligatory happy meal complete with scooby doo toy !

We had our moments, she can be hyper (as all toddlers can) and turning the cartoons off while eating dinner became a trump card and a good Nannie threat.

Its wonderful to have the luxury of time. Time to sit with her and watch an episode of Scooby Doo, time to go to the park and see the smiles, to hear her singing the theme tune to her cartoons and other songs but it also lights a fire in my heart.

The world seen through the eyes of a toddler is a mystical place, full of wonderment that we all take for granted. A ride on the big bus - an everyday occurance but an adventure to her. A visit to Asda's cafe - again an adventure and a treat. Its those things that we all need to look at through fresh eyes. In a world where we all want the best of things and the latest technical gadgets its good to get back to basics and just enjoy the simple things in life

There is nothing better !!!!


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