Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Indulge Me

Well what a few days. The sudden and utterly devastating loss of our much loved family labrador has utterly broken my family into pieces and now each of us is facing the aftermath...

Honey was 8 yrs old nearly 9. Originally my daughters puppy, when she went to university Honey decided to attach herself to my son adn so they became inseperable. They slept in the same bed, she followed him around literally 6 inches from his legs, he spoiled her rotten with love, food, treats and his time. She gave him unconditional love, knew his shift pattern better than me, even moving herself into prime position to see him coming in through the door on a night after his work and always knew within about 5 mins that he was due in.

I swear at times those two shared a telepathic link.

Now as a lab, she was loving, never moody, never barked - I can still count the number of times she barked on 2 hands, but she had love for all our family, every single one. She knew when someone wasnt well, when they needed a hug, when they needed to feel they had a purpose, ie walking her.

Most folks would say all labs are like that but this one was def different. 1 of a kind, un replaceable and that is the way it will stay

There is such silence now, not that she made much noise, but I miss the snoring, the clatter of nails on the floor, the balls whizzing past my feet. I miss the face appearing at the door when I opened it to come in, asking me to take her out before I made a drink or sat down. Siting, begging at the fridge for a slice of ham or a bit of bacon fat. Turning her head trying to talk and tell me she also wanted food.
stealing the raddox bubbles out of the bath as I'm lying in them (only raddox mind) lying in my space on the bed because she got their first

and so many other things, including letting me know she loved me, as much as I loved her

It will be a while before I get used to the silence and the gap in our lives and no I dont expect many to understand and people can say what they want. if someone was i your life for 8 nr 9 years day in/day out then gone in the blink of an eye, u'd grieve for them too

Doggy heaven has got itself a damn fine new inmate !

Sunday, 25 August 2013

The word Pet is just wrong in my thinking....

Got a sad email this morning email from across the pond, my heart goes out to Clair and family for the loss of their loving Golden Lab, Honey.
Why do we use the term pet?  It doesn't really describe just how close the relationship is.

They are family to most people and better than family to some.  Raised with pets my whole life from ducks, rabbits, dogs and cats...when I got older I stopped choosing to bring one into my home.  I say it is unfair since I work long hours and have little time, but the truth is...it's too difficult to lose them.

They are like children in a way, yet better.  Children grow and develop a voice that talks back, moves on and eventually leaves to start their own lives.  Animals lovingly, loyally and faithfully stay by your side their entire lifetime, from birth to adult.  They look to you as their leader and care giver....the one who loves, feeds and gives them joy.  I don't think they even realize their worth and how much they bring to people.

They'd give their life to protect, there are many stories of how animals save people and do so without hesitation.  They're used with law enforcement, border patrols to keep us safe and as working animals for those with disabilities.  They are frequently brought into hospitals, care homes, to bring joy to people.  Nothing lightens a room than an animal wanting to simply love.  They don't have prejudice, they choose to show equality to all.  They teach children responsibility, teach adults to dedicate time to simply walking, reminding each day that someone loves them.

I think we have the wrong word in 'pet'.  How many times was an animal at your side when sick, sad or struggling?  How they're always happy to see us regardless of the day we had.  They knew how to make us smile, laugh and let us know that we were loved no matter what.  They learn tricks, try to always please and show determination in all they do.

It's time to change the name 'pet'.....I think they are the 'star' of any household.  The one member that ensures to let every person know that they matter in this world.

Again....so sorry for the loss of your family 'star'.



Sunday, 18 August 2013

So much to learn

A chance post yesterday gave me a lonk to a program that will be invaluable. A program that can look for redundant words, phrases, cliches, glue words, problem sentances, grammar problems, and much more. Ive spent the last 24 hrs going through 1 recently edited document and I will do the same process to one that Ive just finished rewriting. Its been the one best thing ive spent time on.

As a self published author anything that can help me with editing is priceless. I rely on a great friend of mine to read through and give her opinions whch I listen to and appreciate without reservation. I am part of an online crit group that I can add my work to if it falls into the Womans Fiction bracket, which some do, then there are the folks that beta read for me. It all helps in its own little way, but something like this program can help me at the early stages of editing.

A writers work goes through so many drafts and if this can help me cut the number of drafts then I am all for that. In the end it will help me produce beter works, quicker. With a never ending folder of ideas and more brewing in my mind, it can teach me to avoid the pitfalls as I write and thats good because I am always learning.

For anyone wanting to check it out and get some help with their work heres the link


Obviously as with any editing, if you dont agree and feel strongly enough about it, you do your own thing but any help is a good thing especially since most of us spend so much time on the work we miss things.

It can only help in the long run, especially if you cant afford a professional editor.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Two Magic Words

On thursday night I got to type two little magic words. The mean very little in the grand scheme of things but everything for what I was doing.

Those two words were "The End" and they were typed at the end of a gruling re write of book 5, known as "The Hell Within." once its had a first edit I will make some of it available to read on my books in development page. This is the second book in a two book series and brings the story of Steven and Sandy full circle.

For me its more than 2 words, its the end of a journey, nearly the end of a project thats been almost eight years in the making.

Both these books have seen many starts and finishes, many versions, many ideas but now they are nearly ship shape and both should be out before the end of the year. It will be the accomplishment of not just myself but the many people I have met and have helped in the process. I just hope they stack up lol

It made me think about what we, as writers, go through with each of our books. They are little babies, to be nurtured, to grow, to turn into their own little wonders. Then we send them out into the world and we hope that others love them as much as we love them.

If just one other person likes them, loves them, can relate to them - then dear friends my job is done.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

A day in the life?

It's Tuesday evening across the pond....I sit here contemplating my day.  Work was extremely hectic.  I'm proud to say I stood up for the right thing, however, I got caught in the crossfires.  I'm not one to cower or shy away from speaking my mind, which is both a good and bad.  When I see someone unjustly accused, blamed or pointed at, when in fact the problems lie elsewhere....well I kinda tell it like it is. (gets me in trouble...but I can't deal with stupid!!!  LOL)

After my hectic day, I arrive home, eat, then take the half hour walk that has become part of my new regime....(a new roommate is helping me to be my best).  Daily she ensures I'm eating what I should....keeping away what I should not, and spurring on the cardio.  God love her for taking such good care of me.

As we walked down the pavement, sure enough I felt the familiar ache that seems to always come ten minutes into it.  What the heck is that pain in my lower back? I ask myself.  (Okay, so one of the misfortunes of being a writer is you tend to sit for long periods)  I have muscles between my back and my butt?   And now they're screaming.

Finally at 10 p.m., I am dragging my body to the shower where I can let the heat beat on my back.  The funny thing is though....I am never in pain the next morning?  Surely I should feel like someone beat me, but nada.

I ponder this thought....if I could work out while sleeping, I'd never be cramped, crimped or feel any type of discomfort.  Why can't they make a machine that does that?  Picture this now, you lie on a bed and strap every appendage to a table that independently moves in all directions....you can see it, can't ya?  You could be snoring away while running a marathon!  I could wake completely comfortable, well rested and a size 3......

Woo hoo!  I bet there is a scientist somewhere drawing one up right now......

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

I hate being sick !

I genuinely dont keep great anyway but I hate it when a common cold turns violent.

What started as a sore throat quickly turned nasty. Within 24 hrs I had a fully blown cold and tonsalitis. We thought that was the end of it...a few days taking extra paracetemol, sucking ice cubes, ice lollies and ice cream and trying to dry up the runny nose. I tried to stop it heading down to my chest and it looked like I had but then yesterday things turned extra nasty.

I couldnt catch my breath and every one I did take was painful and laboured. Count walk up a small hill without stopping for a while and trying to slow my heart and breathing. Everything took twice as long and it was too much. Off to seek help I went and boy was it a shock.

My O2 sats were only 84 considering it should be 100 to 95 I was in a bit of bother. When they checked me out they discovered the tonsalitis was bacterial and a nasty sort, so thats penecillin for me, plus an inhaler to clear the breathing difficulties. In a complete surprise for me this masty bout may have triggered a deep lying asthma condition which we have had under control for ten yrs without medication. Time will tell ...

Slowly, v slowly I am beginning to feel the benefit of the antibiotics, now if I could just get rid of the actual cold and the sore ribs from coughing so much I might get to feeling half decent LOL

One thing that has suffered is the writing, I cant sit for long enough to start anything... I can only hope tomorrow is a better day

Sunday, 4 August 2013

I want to be in the heart of it...New York, New York...These vagabond blues...are melting away....(la la la)

Well now...tis Saturday night of a long weekend here across the pond in the colony and I thought to check in.  Nothing exciting, my life is rather simple at the moment, yet in the background lurks life's possibility.

First off, I am so proud of your review Clair, I think it's amazing.  The hours spent on a keyboard are only a start for an author.  Reaching out, promoting, getting noticed are the hardest.  That review solidifies everything...you are an amazing writer!  I'm so ecstatic...you're in a magazine! Woo Hoo!

Now back to what I was saying...

In less than two months I'm going on a trip to New York City.  Yes I will dance in the world of the literary giants.  Okay, not really dance, more like trip around in it...but I will walk the streets in the heart of book publishing.  I've even sprung for a 5-star hotel in the heart of Manhattan where apparently a cup of coffee is $20.00, so I'm hoping they have instant. (gotta be cheaper, right?)

I am mapping out my itinerary, a list of things to do and places to see.  Now I'm sure most have the same list:  Liberty Statue, Empire State building, Staten Island Ferry, China town, ground zero...and of course 5th Avenue shopping....just to say I've walked through....but what other places stand out in one's mind....any suggestions?

With 5-star prices, I'll probably eat out a lot and I'm open to suggestions.  If you were in New York, what foods would you want to try?

This is my first vacation in four years so I intend to make the most of it....Lord knows when I'll get another one.

I don't feel the excitement yet since it's two months away, but I am training on the elliptical and walking to ensure I can get around where I need to.  Tis sad that I've spent most of my time sitting on my heiny at work and writing at night...so I'm biting the bullet and undergoing a rigorous transformation. Will two months training be enough?  You'll have to tune in and find out I suppose.  You may just see me on the NY stories of the ER show....on a stretcher....beat red in the face from exertion....LOL

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Happy Happy Happy

Today I saw the review of "Blackpool Here We Come" in The Big Issue in The North and getting the same amount of column inches as books put out there by the big 6 is a gratifying experience.

Its not a long review by any measure but its positive and the reviewer picked up on the fact that it is in fact a tribute to a great place ! as much as it is about the work mates who visit for the day.

I have fond memories of Blackpool, visiting many times, as a teenager on day trips out with my family, trips with the kids when they were young and also as teenagers. I have special memories of taking my son on "The Big One" and then not being able to get him off.

There is no denying that you cant do it on a tight budget, everything cost money, but there are great savings to be had and a tub of two pence pieces goes a long way on the machines for kids mesmerised by trying to win more than they started with.

Everyone should visit at least once and enjoy a British seaside institution. Its not all booze, hen nights and so on, there are plenty of hidden gems and hopefully I have done some of them proud