This year (2014) saw me publish "All For Her" and put all 5 books on Smashwords. We've given away 2260 + copies of "Another Chance In Love" in just 7 months with no marketing other than the odd post on Facebook and sold a few copies of all 5. All in all its not been a bad year.
Its not been a productive year either LOL I had these plans and I found a copy today and the year ended up nothing like it...
Plans dominate our lives and if its not plans then its To Do Lists and I am no different. I have lists for shopping, lists for jobs around the house and I have a plan for what I need to work on writing next year.
Next year will be better because I will plan it better, give myself more time to accomplish goals. I have 5 books all at various stages, but all part written, including the nano projects from 2013 and 2014. This year 2015 is the year to refocus my energies, and finish all 5 before moving on to other long term ideas that have had to take a back seat.
I allowed personal issues to overtake me this year and my focus dropped but that will not happen next year because 2015 is my year of that I am determined. I might not make it but I will damn well try.
Now, onward's to work out 2015's plan