This is definately how its felt of late I start, get about 20,000 words in and think nah i'm not sure, not feeling it, maybe it will work better in 1st person, maybe not and I give up and start something different - Im just not feeling any story and its frustrating.
I've tried changing genres, tried aiming and working on something for 1 person but nothing has worked. Even tried writing excercises, as in writing a few words on specific subjects just to get used to writing again and while that was successful it didnt carry through to writing a story.
Has me wondering if thats it ...
There are things on my mind and severe restraints just now and I'm thinking thats not helping but writing has always been my escape, my way of coping with life and if I dont have that I may just go a little crazy.
I am about ready to tie myself to the chair, tie my arms to the desk and position the laptop so the only thing I can do is write !
Anything is worth a try...
Suggestions ????