Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Old Habits & Bad Habits

Been a while since I blogged mainly because blogger and internet explorer aren't talking to each other and I hate chrome but since a fix doesn't appear to be coming I need to get over it and use Chrome LOL. It feels different, reacts different but is inherently easier to use or it is so far, no doubt the old reasons I hated it so much will slowly creep back in as I continue to use it. It just annoys me that two websites I use can't or won't work on IE yet everything else does.

I think I must be going through an annoying phase, from technology to people talking loudly on their mobile phones on public transport to people eating spicy smelly food in enclosed spaces. Either I'm getting old and set in my ways or human beings have just dialed up the bad habits to eleven

You know the ones, who sit on public transport, phone attached to their ear, and they open with "I'm on the bus!" Oh you don't say - to "Yeah i'll see you in twenty minutes" then proceed to chat to the same person loudly for twenty minutes

Now I like to edit or read when I'm travelling and I could put earphones in but then I'd concentrate on the music and not what I'm supposed to be reading and if 50 other people on the same bus can be quiet then why cant the other 1... Its just rude !!

So is eating curry - and I kid you not

Or sitting the wrong way in a seat so your back is against the seat in front, and you push and push against it constantly knocking the other person forward and why, so u can talk to your mate sitting behind you who's busy drinking from a can and talking loudly on her phone - classy !!

I honestly believe common decency has gone out the window of late. As long as that person gets to do what they want, sod everyone else. I witnessed someone actually ask another passenger to quieten down and the abuse the poor guy received was horrendous. So much so he got off the bus at the first available stop and waited on the next.

And trains are no better!    

When did common decency turn on its head ???? Something needs done for the good of everyone otherwise rudeness wins and people think they can just get away with it.

Me thinks my little minion friend will need to appear and tell them how it is - now there's an idea !!

Revenge of the Common Passenger !!!!