Monday, 14 October 2013

Darn it!

After a successful trip to the US eastern states, pursuing my dream....I must come back down to earth and live normal life (pouty lip).  Being home 5 days has been a mix of emotions.   From experiencing New York and Washington D.C., to preparing to go back to work, doing laundry, and looking ahead to setting the alarm for 5 am is just humdrum.  I suppose we all experience that feeling after a trip...but wanting to fight it, I purchased lotto tickets and crossed my fingers that I'd not have to step back into normal life.  Again pouty lip because I didn't win a thing.

It didn't help I came back to an AWOL roommate and the chore of changing the locks and preparing to remove them...Why is it when you help someone, eventually they forget that?  For over a year and a half I've given him a place to call home at a far below normal rate.  This past three months he's disappeared/disregarded common courtesy.  So onward I guess. 

I'm hoping the next weeks bring good news from my meetings...cross your fingers for me!     

Saturday, 12 October 2013

So far so good

Well, today is day one in the free giveaway for "Left Behind" and has to be said in the half day that its been free its done not bad

Stats so far are

USA - 60
UK - 17
Germany - 1
Spain - 1

And the rest still zero but so far so good - I'm pleased with that. I will keep updating as we go but Im happy.

I hope some of it translates into a few reviews, which is the main thing. This is such a different book for me, thats all I can ask !

Monday, 7 October 2013

Free Giveaway

This weekend I have decided to give "Left Behind" away for free for 2 days. The reasons are simple. Its such a different book I'd love it go get a bit more exposure and possibly some reviews on Amazon. there will be a follow up later in the year - "The Hell Within" that continues their journey.

I hope a few people manage to pick up a copy and enjoy it. Thats all I can ask !

Ive done this with the other three books and it works well so fingers crossed we manage to give a few away.

This book is nothing like the other three, its much more character driven, emotional and a read that has made people think and reasses their own circumstances.

Cant wait LOL